A group from Pilgrim was among the fans at the East Texas Pump Jacks baseball game on July 27, 2012 (from left, J.D. Sampson, Steven Sampson, Pr. Galler, Cooper Sampson, and Tifaney Sweeden). The group got one extra inning, as it took the Pump Jacks until the bottom of the 10th to make the one run needed for the 1-0 win, and they also got to enjoy a great fireworks show after the game.
While the Sunday morning Divine Service is the primary focus of both the congregation as a whole and its individual members, that larger gathering of believers need not be one’s only connection with the church. Pilgrim Lutheran Church offers a wide variety of classes and groups, formal and informal, where you can better get to know and be supported by brothers and sisters in Christ. These classes and groups are for everyone—young and old, male and female, and married or not. Some classes and groups feature traditional Bible studies, while others concentrate more on service to others or have more of a social element. Thus, members and friends of our Pilgrim Lutheran Congregation can make use of any number of opportunities to grow in their faith, to serve the church and their community, and to otherwise be involved with one another.
• Sunday School and Vacation Bible School (VBS) – children’s study
• Adult Bible Studies – let the Holy Spirit grow your faith through His Word
• Youth and Adult Confirmation – study en route to communicant membership
• Boards – governing and administrative structures of the congregation
• LWML – our ladies’ society that is a part of state and national organizations
• Once-a-month Social Outings – members and friends who get together informally
We always welcome suggestions for additional classes and groups. See our contact information at right.